Committees, Special Interest Groups and Liaisons

There’s much to be done and we really need you to help our Society fulfill its mission of leading our field. Please consider where you’d like to participate (must be a member of the Society) and contact the chair(s) listed below. Some committees or special interest groups (SIGs) may have limited membership, so act soon!

Committee members may login to download Guidelines for Helfer Society Committees, approved by the Executive Committee, in the Resources section in the Member Center.

You may also review how these Helfer committees and special interest groups are defined, along with expectations and privileges, by scrolling down this page or selecting this link which will take you directly to this section.


Awards Committee

Andie Asnes

Mission: To select the physician who has made the greatest contribution to child abuse pediatrics.

Annual Meeting Committee

Terra Frazier and Kristin Crichton

Mission: To work with the President to program an annual scientific meeting for the Ray Helfer Society, and oversee its implementation.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

Hiu-fai Fong and Katie Johnson 

This committee serves to support the personal and professional growth of Helfer members in creating a diverse and equitable community both within and outside of our Society.

Safer Space Initiative: The Safer Space Initiative aims to support inclusivity within the Helfer Society by giving members a process through which exclusionary behavior may be identified and acknowledged in a trauma-informed and education-focused way. For more information about the process or to submit an intake, please see the Safer Space Initiative process and intake form.  The intake form is a resource (not a requirement) for relaying a concern to the subcommittee. Intakes sent to [email protected] will be received by one of the Safer Space subcommittee members listed below. If you would feel more comfortable sending your intake to only one of these members, you may do so.

Safer Space Subcommittee Members:
Melissa Currie, Hiu-fai Fong, Katie Johnson, Aaron Miller, Norell Rosado, Kim Schwartz 


  1. DEI Audit Checklist: A document you may use if you wish to review your presentations, research, or teaching materials for considerations relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  2. DEI Disclosure Slide: A slide you may include in your presentations if you wish to state an intention (and be receptive to feedback) around diversity, equity, and inclusion. This may or may not be paired with use of the checklist.
  3. Misstep Toolkit: A one-page resource developed out of our own desire to have  a collection of go-to phrases and strategies to use when we inadvertently say or do something that makes others feel uncomfortable, which we all will do at some point.
  4. Listserve Toolkit: Advice for welcoming diverse members to the Helfer Listserve.

Education Committee

Kathryn Wells and Emily Killough 

Executive Committee

Nancy Harper

This committee is responsible for leading the Helfer Society.

Fellowship Program Directors Committee

Natalie Laub and Brett Slingsby

Mission: To facilitate excellence in clinical and research training in the field of Child Abuse Pediatrics by supporting the growth and development of Child Abuse Pediatric Fellowship Programs.


  1. To facilitate the development of collaborative relationships between CAP Fellowship program directors.
  2. To facilitate communication and collaboration around issues affecting CAP fellowship programs including but not limited to program development, accreditation, work force, funding, and curriculum design.
  3. To provide a forum to share best practices and new innovations in CAP fellowship training.
  4. To support CAP fellowship program directors in monitoring and responding to new developments in fellowship training and accreditation requirements.
  5. To represent the interests of CAP fellowships and fellowship program directors to other organizations and regulatory agencies.

Human Trafficking Committee

Dana Kaplan and Bimpe Adewusi

The Human Trafficking Committee maintains a resource on this subject within the Society's web site. Please select Human Trafficking (login required) to view this resource.

Membership Committee

John Melville

The committee votes on Regular (Full) membership to the Helfer Society. The committee reviews applications and decides on membership after receiving input from the general membership.

Nominations Committee

Andie Asnes 

This committee develops a list of candidates for electing the Executive Committee, every two years.

Research Committee

Kate Henry and Gunjan Tiyyagura 

Mission: To support research by Helfer members at all levels. Committee members will share in setting the agenda of the committee, though our priorities will include:

  1. Facilitating research collaboration between Helfer members.
  2. Improving opportunities for basic training in research methodology to Helfer member.
  3. Improving the ability of Helfer members, especially fellows, to obtain research funding.

Guidelines for Research Recruitment via Helfer Approved by Research Committee

Early Career Committee

Ajay Koti, Natasha Jouk, and Steven Pham.

Mission: The mission of this committee is to empower Helfer members during fellowship and early career (within  first five years after completion of training) as they navigate their professional journeys. This committee is dedicated to fostering an environment of collaboration, mentorship, and continuous learning, ensuring that our members have the resources and support they need to thrive in their careers.  Priorities include:

  • Quarterly Focused Sessions: Partnering with ECHO, we will organize quarterly sessions tailored to the unique season faced by early-career professionals, ensuring relevant information and discussions.
  • Ray Helfer Conference: Hosting meetings at the Ray Helfer Annual Conference, aligning with the interests and needs of our members.
  • Mentorship and Collaboration: Promoting collaboration among members, including mentorship opportunities, research initiatives, program development, and educational efforts, to foster a strong, supportive community of professionals.

Wellness and Mental Health Committee

Suzanne Haney, Elizabeth Peeler, Cathrine Huber, and Heather McKeag Swan 

Mission: To advance the knowledge and expertise of Helfer members regarding the short and long-term impact of maltreatment on the well-being and mental health of children, their families and the professionals who provide care to them - including advances in research, education, treatment and public policy.


  1. To support Helfer members in developing policies and programs and thereby provide comprehensive services to maltreated children and their families that support wellbeing and mental health.
  2. Improve the patient care and other professional efforts of Helfer members regarding the well-being and mental health of child maltreatment victims, their families and the professionals who provide their care.
  3. Promote the well-being and mental health of Helferites by attending to the needs of members to address the dangers of burnout and vicarious traumatization as well as others stresses like illnesses, lawsuits, deaths of loved ones.
  4. Develop program submissions to the annual meetings that seek to fulfill the group's mission.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Advocacy SIG

Jen Tendler and Emily Georges

This group aims to bring together members with a shared understanding of the importance of advocacy within the field of child abuse pediatrics. Through mentorship, education, and peer support, members will share and build skills in advocacy, including, how to identify and collaborate with community stakeholders, incorporate advocacy into scholarship and teaching, write an opinion piece to a local or national media outlet, provide a CAP perspective to local, state, or federal legislators and their staff, and testify before governing bodies on a child health priority . This group will be a platform for members to share successes of and seek guidance on their advocacy efforts. 

Child Fatality SIG

Michael Durfee and Randy Alexander 

International Helfer Members SIG

Oliver Berthold and Michelle Shouldice 

All Helfer members who live and work outside of the USA are invited to join this Special Interest Group, as well as Helfer members from the USA who are interested in working on international issues. This SIG provides opportunities to share and collaborate on issues that impact practice in Child Abuse Pediatrics internationally, and to make connections for the purposes of education and research.  Members of the SIG often are involved with hosting and planning for InterCAP.

Prevention SIG

Alicia Pekarsky and Ann Lenane 


Dana Kaplan; Madhu Voddi; Gillian Hopgood; Kerri Weeks

This special interest group serves to support the challenges of Helfer members who operate as solo child abuse pediatricians (CAPs). Given the shortage of physicians within the field of child abuse pediatrics, the need for Solo CAPs will likely increase over time. Best practices, resources and collaboration all will be explored as a way to support Solo CAPs globally. A Solo CAP is any Helfer member that considers themselves as such.  We aim to maintain a broad definition to remain inclusive so that we can explore the various circumstances in which Solo CAPs practice.

Substance Abuse SIG

Stephanie Deutsch

Substance exposure negatively impacts infant and child health and is a risk factor for maltreatment. Children and families affected by substance exposure interface with child welfare systems disproportionately. Our SIG is established to further discussion and research around ensuring accurate identification of exposed infants and children, improving safety outcomes for children affected by substance exposure, to disseminate info around relevant legislation/policy related to substance exposed infants and children, and establish best practice for the evaluation of potential substance exposure.


National Child Abuse Coalition

Kathryn Wells and Jen Tendler

The National Child Abuse Coalition (NCAC) aims to be the foremost resource on federal policy issues related to the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect. NCAC coordinates advocacy efforts and is a central point of contact for federal policymakers and their staff who wish to engage in child abuse and neglect issues. Helfer representatives contribute the child abuse pediatrician's perspective to the NCAC, with an emphasis on the evidence and a child-first approach. Representatives share relevant NCAC updates and advocacy opportunities with Helfer membership and work closely with the Helfer executive committee on any NCAC efforts requesting formal Helfer Society endorsement.

Helfer Committee and Special Interest Groups Defined

I.    Ad Hoc or Advisory Committee - Exists solely to consider a topic which requires extended study or deliberation. Formed with a specific mission/deliverable in mind, and with an estimated time period of existence.

a.    Expectations:

i.    Participation is by invitation of the EC.
ii.    Discuss, argue, or draft documents for consideration by another committee.
iii.    Dissolution upon submission of their report unless additional duties are assigned by the EC.
iv.    The bylaws limit the term of an ad hoc committee to 3 years unless extended by the EC.

b.    Privileges:

i.    Use of the society’s Zoom account for meetings.

II.    Special Interest Group – Allows members to meet on a particular topic of interest.

a.    Expectations:

i.    Any three members may form a SIG unless specifically vetoed by the EC.
ii.    SIG must accept any Helfer member in good standing.
iii.    Requires renewal each July on the request of 3 or more members.  One member must agree to communicate with the EC on behalf of the SIG.

b.    Privileges:

i.    Use of the society’s Zoom account for meetings.
ii.    May form a dedicated listserv.
iii.    May announce activities on the Helfer listserv.
iv.    Identification as a Helfer Society SIG on the Helfer website.
v.    May present a brief update at the Helfer business meeting if desired.

III.    Committee – Advance the work of the Helfer Society on a specific topic.

a.    Expectations:

i.    Committees may be created by the EC upon the request of 10 or more members, at least two of whom agree to serve as co-chairs.
ii.    Committees must accept any Helfer member in good standing.
iii.    Must submit a one-page report each July that details succession plan, prior year’s accomplishments, next year’s goals, and a roster of Helfer members (at least 10) who wish to remain on the Committee.

b.    Privileges:

i.    Use of the society’s Zoom account for meetings.
ii.    May form a dedicated listserv.
iii.    May announce activities on the Helfer listserv.
iv.    Identification as a Helfer Society Committee on the Helfer website.
v.    May present a brief update at the Helfer business meeting.
vi.    May apply annually to the EC for grants to support the work of the Committee.
vii.    May prepare publications directed toward Helfer members for review and approval by the EC.
viii.    May have a meeting, with a designated room and time, at the annual meeting.

IV.    Standing Committee – Created by the EC to accomplish specific, recurring tasks supporting the mission of the society.

a.    Expectations:

i.    Standing Committees are formed at the direction of the EC.
ii.    Chair will be selected by the EC.
iii.    The Chair is responsible for recruiting and appointing at least two additional members.
iv.    When the president or vice president of the society attend a committee meeting, each will attend as a voting member.

b.    Privileges – Privileges of Standing Committees are the same as Committees, plus additional privileges related to the specifics of the Committee’s work.